domingo, 26 de febrero de 2023

5.6.- Speaking and grammar about in, on and at

 What is the continent in green?

Video about the Top 10 Bucket List Destinations in Asia

What places would you like to visit in Asia and why?

Collaborative Reading of the text on page 35

Book exercises 1 and 2 on page 35

Collaborative online exercise about the use of 'in', 'on' and/or 'at' as prepositions of time

Individual online exercise about the use of 'in', 'on' and/or 'at' as prepositions of time

Exercise 5 on page 35

What did you do yesterday after school?
What did you have for dinner?
What time did you go to bed?

Wh- question word + did + Subject + Action Verb in Base Form + Complement?

Collaborative online exercise about the wh-questions in past simple

Individual online exercise about the wh- questions in past simple

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Second Period Review

 Second Period Review Comparative Adjectives Sports Vocabulary