domingo, 26 de febrero de 2023

5.2.- Negative past simple

What was the city you lastly visited and what did you do there?

It was London where I went to the Buckingham Palace, the Tower Bridge, the Big Ben and the London Eye.

What I visited last summer.

Last summer, I visited London, Paris, Edinburgh and Oslo.

I visited London, Paris, Edinburgh and Oslo last summer.

Last summer, my wife and I visited London, but we didn't visit Wales. Also, we visited Paris and Edinburgh. On the other hand, I visited Oslo, but my wife didn't visit Oslo because she had to come back to Cancun before me.

When flying back home from Oslo, I had to stop in Istanbul and Mexico city, but I didn't visit them. Unfortunately, I left from the plane totally exhausted.


Conversation video about the past simple

Collaborative online exercise about the negative past simple

Individual online exercise about the negative past simple

What didn't you do last summer?

Who stayed in Cancun last summer?

Who visited a Mexican city last summer?

Who travelled abroad last summer?

Who + Verb in past simple + Complement?

Exercises 1 and 3

Speaking activity about making questions to identify who did something.

Who went to the cinema this weekend?


Individual exam task on page 31

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